commensurately she must have become disillusioned about people and realised the real poor was herself
so she was caught circumstantially in extreme disjunction
yet she survived and continued
i think thats what her rules are about
like the man writing on the wall to heaven i might bemoan thats its my lot to live by them
but it is my lot and my brain is shaped for them and they are shaped for me
the measure of age is not the measure of youth
keep busy with your own affairs and not those of others
avoid curiosity
do not interfere in the affairs of others
accept small irritations with good humor
do not dwell on the faults of others
accept censures even if unmerited
give in to the will of others
accept insults and injuries
accept contempt, being forgotten and disregarded
accept injuries and insults
be courteous and delicate even when provoked by someone
do not seek to be admired and loved
do not protect yourself behind your own dignity
give in, in discussions, even when you are right
always choose the more difficult task